
Don’t miss it! Best Super Blue Moon images of 2024

Super Blue Moon: Orange, big, bright moon behind a windmill. Some haze surrounds the view.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Bob Rich from Bryan, Texas, shared this image and wrote: “The August 2024 supermoon – and seasonal blue moon – rises behind a windmill.” Thank you!

Did you see the Super Blue Moon on Monday (August 19, 2024)? What a night it was for all of us around the world! If you didn’t, here’s a gallery full of stunning images from our talented community of photographers. Read more about the Blue Moon here. Also, three more supermoons are coming in a row. We tell you everything you need to know, plus tips on how to watch the moon, in this LIVESTREAM replay.

Super Blue Moon panoramas of 2024

Bottom half of an orange moon. The top is covered by clouds. Some trees in the foreground.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Cecille Kennedy from Monroe, Oregon, shared this lovely view of the moon and wrote: “The glowing pink-orange moon rises over the pine trees and Saddle Mountain behind the trees. Thick clouds cover half of the moon, and soon the whole of it got covered with night fog and clouds.” Thank you, Cecille! Just in time.
Big building with a statue of Jesus Christ at the top. A yellowish, bright moon behind the statue.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Everybody around the world enjoyed the Super Blue Moon. José Palma shared this image from Belem, Portugal. Thank you, José!
Nine images of a full moon in a line. The ones at the bottom left look darker and have some light clouds covering them. The ones at the top right look white and bright.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Saqlain Haider from Pattoki, Punjab, Pakistan, shared this composite image and wrote: “Eighty-five images after every 15 seconds taken with the camera fixed on a tripod.” Wonderful! Thank you.
Big grayish moon over some houses, in a clear, blue sky.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Kamala Venkatesh from San Diego, California, wrote: “The Super/ Sturgeon/ Blue full moon shot on August 18 as it rose over the homes near me. The August full moon will appear 6.2% bigger and 12.8% brighter than the average full moon. It sure was huge and very bright.” Thank you! The moon looks full the nights before and after the peak.

Super Blue Moon closeups of 2024

Moon in different tones of gray and a whiter area at the bottom.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Talha Moon from Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan, shared this image and wrote: “The image showcases a Super Blue mineral moon. The term “supermoon” refers to as either a new or full moon that occurs when the moon is within 90% of its closest approach to Earth. Although it does not look blue, as the 3rd full moon in a season with 4 full moons, this is also a Blue Moon. Not to mention the exaggerated colors that show presence of minerals on the moon.” Thank you!
Pale blue moon with some dark areas. The bottom looks like if the sphere fell and broke.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Kannan A shared this shot from Singapore, despite the cloudy skies. Thank you, Kannan!
Very bright moon in the distance. It looks cristal clear. It has some dark zones in the middle area.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Muhammad Alaa from Egypt shared this image and wrote: “Fifty photos of the moon were taken, I stacked the photos and edited them.” Thank you!

More Blue supermoon closeups

Gray sphere with dark areas in the middle. The bottom looks whiter.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Tameem Altameemi from Dubai took this shot and wrote: “The 19 August 2024 full moon was both a supermoon and a Blue Moon, which is what makes this a ‘true Blue supermoon.'” Thank you!
Large areas of black in the middle and lighter areas at top and bottom of a sphere in a black background.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Amr Elsayed shared this shot from Cairo, Egypt. Thank you, Amr!
Gray sphere surrounded by clouds. The moon is so bright that it illuminates big part of the dark sky.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Steven Bellavia from Mattituck, New York, shared this image and wrote: “The super full Sturgeon Blue Moon.” Thank you!

Bottom line: What a night it was for all of us around the world this Monday! Did you see the Super Blue Moon? If you didn’t, here’s a gallery full of stunning images from our talented community of photographers.

August 20, 2024

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