See a nova or “new” star. V1405 Cas is now visible to the eye

A nova that first brightened in March of 2021 has now flared bright enough to be seen without binoculars or a telescope.

Cool sun image

EarthSky readers submit wonderful photos to us every day. This week we received this interesting composite image of the sun, our nearest star.

The fiery fate of China’s Long March 5B rocket

The core stage of China's Long March 5B rocket - which launched the Tianhe space station module - plummeted into the Indian Ocean on May 8, 2021. In a statement issued that day, new NASA administrator Bill Nelson criticized China's handling of the re-entry.

Swimming up sky and up river

A couple of charts from master chart-maker Guy Ottewell, showing Mercury in the sky now and throughout 2021. Plus a word about a lost whale ...

Photos from 2021’s Eta Aquariid meteor shower

Check out these pics from the annual Eta Aquariid meteor shower. The peak morning was likely May 5, 2021, but the following morning, May 6, might be good, too.

Venus and the owl, from California

Venus and Mercury are both in the western sky after sunset now, but both are exceedingly low in the sky, in the midst of bright twilight, and so difficult to spot. These photos captured them.

Going up and coming down this week

Within hours of each other, one rocket left the Earth on April 28, 2021, and one cargo space ship returned on April 29 - via a planned destruction during re-entry - after having been attached to the International Space Station for a year.

First aerial color image of Mars

Color image of the Martian surface, captured by the Ingenuity Mars helicopter.

Photos of the supermoon, April 2021

The first of 2 spring supermoons in 2021 took place on April 26 or 27 (depending on your location on Earth). We received many wonderful submissions from you, our readers. Here's a gallery of some favorites. Thanks to all who submitted!

Lyrid meteor and Milky Way over Sedona

The expanse of the Milky Way is punctured by a Lyrid meteor in this incredible photograph taken from Sedona, Arizona, by Cecilia Ray.