The May 15-16, 2022, total eclipse of the moon is over. Now, check out these lunar eclipse photos! Or, you can submit your photo here.
In addition, check Earthsky Community Photos for more great images. And, of course, thanks to all who submitted!
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Jelieta Walinski Ph.D in Lake La Salle State Park, Minnesota, captured this beautiful view of last night’s lunar eclipse on May 15, 2022. Jelieta wrote: “This is single exposure of the total lunar eclipse or Super Flower Blood Moon. Captured at Lake La Salle State Park, Minnesota, with 3 stars aligned.” Thank you, Jelieta!
More lunar eclipse photos
And a few more photos
Time lapse of the eclipse
If you’ve ever wondered how much a full moon adds extra light to the night sky, wonder no more. For example, this time lapse from the Gemini South Observatory shows that as the moon became totally eclipsed on the evening of May 15, the stars and Milky Way appeared.
Bottom line: The May 15-16, 2022, total eclipse of the moon is over. Now, check out these beautiful lunar eclipse photos, and see more at Earthsky Community Photos. And again, thanks to all who submitted!
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