What is a hybrid eclipse? A total and annular combined

A hybrid eclipse is a solar eclipse that appears as total for some and annular for others, with those farther from the centerline seeing a partial eclipse.

Sun activity archive for March 2023

Sun activity archive for March 2023. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.

Is a solar flare the same thing as a CME?

Solar Cycle 25 is fairly active now, and that means more solar activity. So, what's the difference between a solar flare and a coronal mass ejection (CME)?

What is a sun pillar, or light pillar? They’re beautiful!

A sun pillar, or light pillar, is a shaft of light from the sun or other bright light source, caused by ice crystals under the right atmospheric conditions.

Sun activity archive for February 2023

Bottom line: Sun activity archive for February 2023. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.

Comet Machholz rounds the sun, drops fragments

Comet Machholz made its closest approach to the sun on January 31, 2023. It left behind tiny fragments. Read more about this unusual comet.

Sun activity archive for January 2023

Sun activity archive for January 2023. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.

Flashes on the sun might help predict solar flares

Using data from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, scientists have found that flashes on the sun could help them predict the next solar flare.

What makes a giant sunspot?

A giant sunspot - AR 3190 - is crossing the face of the sun this week. It'lll soon disappear, but is still visible as of January 21, 2023. What makes it?

Sun glossary: A list of solar terms and their definitions

The active sun is frequently in the news as Solar Cycle 25 ramps up. Here's a handy sun glossary so you can get up to speed on all the solar terms you'll see.