Surface of Venus revealed in 1st visible-light images from space

The Parker Solar Probe has taken the 1st visible-light images of the surface of Venus from space. Dark areas are highlands while bright areas are lowlands.

Can we measure dark matter in our solar system?

Science is all about measuring things. And astronomers say dark matter pervades our solar system. Can we find a way to measure it? 2 scientists say yes.

40 Starlink satellites doomed by geomagnetic storm

SpaceX is reporting 40 Starlink satellites doomed to reentry, after a storm on the sun caused a geomagnetic storm that disturbed Earth's magnetic field.

Mighty Saturn auroras driven by high-altitude winds

Saturn is unique among planets observed to date in that some of its auroras are generated by swirling winds within its own atmosphere.

Passing stars warp star disks, disrupt planets

Passing stars or gas clouds - or other factors - can cause a warp in star disks, leading to a disruption in planet formation.

Who owns all the satellites?

More than 4,000 satellites orbit Earth, and that number will grow by leaps and bounds in just a few years. Who owns all those satellites orbiting Earth?

Astronomers confirm a 2nd Trojan asteroid for Earth

Scientists have confirmed the existence of a 2nd Trojan asteroid for Earth. It orbits in our orbit around the sun, but 60 degrees ahead of us.

Polar lakes on Mars? 2 new studies add to debate

Are there really polar lakes on Mars, under the ice? Two new studies, one pro and one con, add to the debate.

Purple rocks on Mars intrigue scientists

NASA's Perseverance rover has found rocks with odd purple-colored coatings on them. What are these purple rocks on Mars? Could they be signs of microbial life?

International Space Station to crash into Pacific as early as 2031

NASA plans to crash the International Space Station into the Pacific Ocean at the end of its lifetime. This de-orbit could happen as soon as 2031.