Breakup of an asteroid: 8th anniversary

Breakup of an asteroid: Scientists watched as, over a period of months, the asteroid known as P/2013 R3 broke into smaller pieces 8 years ago.

Russia invasion of Ukraine threatens cooperation in space

The impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine reaches into space, as Russia threatens to stop cooperating on supplying and participating in space missions.

Shock wave from colliding galaxy clusters spans 60 Milky Ways

A team of international astronomers have gotten the best look yet at a shock wave from the colliding galaxy clusters that formed Abell 3667.

Nightside winds offer clues to Venus’ greenhouse

Scientists have made the most detailed observations of Venus' equatorial nightside winds, which are connected to the planet's runaway greenhouse effect.

Is a rocket going to strike the moon today?

Yes, a rocket will strike the moon on March 4, 2022. It's not a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. It may be a Chinese rocket that launched in 2014.

Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies are merging

The Milky Way and Andromeda merger has already begun. The two spiral galaxies will form one giant elliptical galaxy in 5 billion years.

March 2 is Pioneer 10’s 50th anniversary

March 2, 2022, is Pioneer 10's 50th anniversary. The spacecraft launched on March 2, 1972 and went on to become a true pioneer in space exploration.

Could ‘epsilon machines’ help us find alien life?

Researchers say they have devised a new way of searching for extraterrestrial life on exoplanets using arithmetic-based algorithms called epsilon machines.

A hot Jupiter exoplanet’s dark side revealed

Scientists have revealed the dark side of a hot Jupiter exoplanet for the first time, finding iron clouds, titanium rain and violent winds.

3rd possible planet found orbiting nearest star

Astronomers say they have discovered a 3rd possible planet orbiting the closest star to our sun, Proxima Centauri. It is only about 1/4 of Earth's mass.