Methane as a 1st sign of distant alien life

A team of scientists say that the Webb telescope could find methane around exoplanets in our galaxy, which could be an indicator of life.

Starburst galaxies flourished in early universe

The early universe was a hotbed of star formation! In its first few billion years, our universe apparently produced 60-90% of its stars in starburst galaxies.

Pluto’s giant ice volcanoes may still be erupting

Unusual large icy domes on Pluto's surface are likely giant ice volcanoes where water ice "lava" flowed, researchers say.

Background glow of the universe is oddly bright

Astronomers say the universe's background glow is strangely twice as bright as thought. NASA's New Horizons spacecraft made the unexpected discovery.

Yuri’s Night: World Space Party – a time to celebrate

Yuri Gagarin's space flight is remembered in Yuri's Night celebrations. This Russian pilot was the first man to fly into orbit, in 1961.

Most distant star yet seen spied by Hubble

Astronomers have found the most distant star yet, thanks to rare alignment with a lensing galaxy cluster. They've nicknamed the star Earendel.

SpaceX’s Starship faces more delays, as Dragon production ends

SpaceX might be a step closer to moving its Super Heavy Project (SpaceX's Starship heavy launch vehicle) to Florida, after yet another delay.

Asteroid Ryugu harbors life’s building blocks

Researchers discovered an abundance of organic materials, including amino acids, in samples brought back to Earth from asteroid Ryugu.

Perseverance rover sprints to Martian delta

NASA's Perseverance rover is heading to an ancient river delta on Mars in record time, thanks to an advanced navigation system using artificial intelligence.

Whoa! Another asteroid whizzes past Earth hours after discovery

Krisztián Sárneczky, the same astronomer who discovered 2022 EB5, discovered another asteroid just hours before it flew so close to Earth that it dipped into our shadow.