New black hole image: 4 things we know

Astronomers released a long-sought image of our Milky Way's supermassive black hole yesterday. Here are 4 things we know.

Milky Way’s black hole seen at last!

Astronomers have succeeded in capturing the 1st direct image of our Milky Way's black hole, a monster with the mass of 4 million suns!

Supermassive black hole a feature of most galaxies

A large galaxy typically has a supermassive black hole at its heart. These black holes contains millions - to billions - of times our sun's mass.

TESS finds 30 exocomets for Beta Pictoris

An international team of astronomers has discovered 30 exocomets orbiting the young star Beta Pictoris, 64 light-years away from Earth.

Asteroids photobombed deep Hubble images

When astronomers realized that asteroids photobombed deep space images from Hubble, citizen scientists got to work. The result: over 1,000 new asteroid discoveries!

Webb fully aligned! See the new test images

NASA's Webb telescope has finished aligning all of its science instruments. The new test images are a taste of what's to come.

International Astronomy Day is May 7

International Astronomy Day occurs twice a year. The next celebration is on Saturday, May 7, 2022. Find resources and info on the night sky here.

Daylight fireball over Mississippi: Meteorites found!

Searchers have found meteorites - pieces of the daylight fireball - seen on April 27, 2022. These meteorites landed near Natchez, Mississippi.

Did alien technology crash in Pacific in 2014? Harvard astronomer says ‘maybe’

Did alien technology crash into the Pacific Ocean in 2014? Despite disagreement from colleagues, Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb says it's possible.

Harvard astronomer: Earthly spacecraft as alien artifacts

Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb shares an analogy of how spacecraft sent from Earth might appear as alien artifacts on a different planet.