Jupiter from Webb in new images. Amazing!

New images of Jupiter from Webb show amazing details on the giant planet, including auroras, the Great Red Spot, and its rings and satellites.

Launches: NASA solicits plans to deorbit ISS

Launches blog for August 22: NASA quietly asks companies their thoughts on deorbiting ISS. The mission end for the station is currently planned for 2030.

1st photo of Earth from the moon, in 1966

As NASA prepares to send Artemis 1 to the moon, it's fun to see this 1st-ever moon photo of Earth from the moon, taken on August 23, 1966.

Voyager 2 launched 45 years ago

Voyager 2 realized the vision of what was originally called a Grand Tour of the outer solar system. It is the only craft that has visited all 4 outer planets.

Launches: Russians unveil space station model

On August 15, 2022 - at "Army-2022", a military-industrial exhibition outside Moscow - Russia unveiled a model of the new station it intends to build for itself.

Webb’s largest image of galaxies yet

Webb has taken the largest image of galaxies yet. The newest release covers 8 times as much space as its original deep-field image. See the new images here.

A rare Neptune-sized planet orbiting a giant star

Astronomers say they have found a rare Neptune-sized planet orbiting a giant hot star, providing clues about why these worlds often lose their atmospheres.

Dark matter mystery in Fornax Cluster

A new study suggests dwarf galaxies in the Fornax cluster lack of dark matter halos. This finding challenges the cosmological Standard Model.

Launches: U.S. Space Force takes command

EarthSky’s Launches blog brings you the best in spaceflight updates. Looking for the most current Launches blog? Click here. Previously...

Launches: Surprise rollout for Artemis 1

August 16, 2022 Launches blog update. NASA announced on August 15 that Artemis 1 would be rolled to the launch pad, several days ahead of schedule.