Proxima Centauri discovered on this date

Astronomers thought Alpha Centauri was the closest star to Earth. Then they found a smaller, fainter star that's even closer. They named it Proxima Centauri.

DART impact changed asteroid’s orbit, NASA confirms

The DART impact of asteroid Didymos B was intended to charge the asteroid's orbit by 73 seconds. But DART surpassed this benchmark by more than 25 times.

Launches: CAPSTONE stabilized by recovery software

Engineers say CAPSTONE is stabilized after uploading recovery software and regaining control of the malfunctioning spacecraft.

How likely is an Earth-like origin of life elsewhere?

Retired astrophysicist Daniel Whitmire says that an Earth-like origin of life (abiogenesis) is probably very likely on other rocky worlds similar to our own.

Launches: SpinLaunch plans a slingshot to space!

A private company, Spinlaunch, has built a mass accelerator and hopes to launch payloads into space using this innovative technology.

Launches: Crew-5 has docked with ISS

On October 5, 2022, NASA and SpaceX successfully launched the Crew-5 mission. On October 6, Crew-5 successfully docked with the International Space Station.

A giant gamma-ray burst from the infant universe

A team of astronomers say they have discovered a new giant gamma-ray burst that originated from the infant universe when it was 880 million years old.

How satellites harm astronomy: what’s being done

Satellites harm astronomy in different ways, marring optical and infrared images and interfering with radio astronomy. Learn what can be done.

1st planet orbiting a sunlike star discovered 27 years ago

On October 6, 1995, astronomers announced the discovery of the first planet orbiting around a distant sunlike star. This planet is 51 Pegasi b.

Large asteroid RM4 to pass closely November 1

A large asteroid will pass nearly 6 Earth-moon distances away from Earth on November 1. It poses no danger to Earth. Learn more about asteroid 2022 RM4.