Super-fast jet blasts from neutron star collision

Astronomers discovered and measured a super-fast jet, thought to be the result of 2 neutron stars colliding. The jet is moving at 99.97% the speed of light!

1st photo of Earth from space, 76 years ago

On October 24, 1946 - 76 years ago tomorrow - a movie camera on board a V-2 rocket captured the first-ever photo of Earth from space.

Liquid water on Mars beneath polar ice?

Is there liquid water on Mars? A new international study supports the initial reported discovery in 2018 of water beneath Mars' south polar ice cap.

Time-lapse movie of the sky from NASA’s NEOWISE

The NEOWISE space telescope has been taking all-sky images for 12 years, creating a movie of the sky that astronomers can use to watch the changing cosmos.

Venus balloon aerobot completes 1st test flights

Engineers and scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory successfully conducted 2 test flights of a robotic Venus balloon prototype.

A supernova warning sign: When massive stars dim

Scientists have found a supernova warning sign. They said massive stars - from 8 to 20 solar masses - will dramatically dim before exploding.

Earth-like ocean planets plentiful for red dwarf stars?

Researchers in Japan say that Earth-like ocean planets orbiting red dwarf stars may be fairly common. Up to about 10% may have oceans similar to our own.

Ringed star shows light can push matter

Wolf-Rayet 140 is a unique binary ringed star system that shows its intense light pushes dust into these rings as the pair of stars orbit each other.

Lucy spacecraft to fly closely past Earth Sunday

The Lucy spacecraft is heading to Jupiter's Trojan asteroids. On October 16, 2022, the spacecraft will get a gravity assist from Earth.

Creating alien lava worlds in the lab

Scientists at Cornell University are creating alien lava worlds in the lab. They are replicating the surfaces of rocky exoplanets that are volcanically active.