Webb discovers its 1st exoplanet

Webb discovers its 1st exoplanet! And - speaking this week at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Seattle - astronomers are excited.

Help NASA study exoplanets with Exoplanet Watch

Do you want to help NASA study exoplanets? Now you can, with the Exoplanet Watch citizen science project. All you need is a telescope or a smartphone.

Ultracool dwarf binary stars break records

Astronomers have discovered an ultracool dwarf binary system - 2 very low-mass stars orbiting closely - completing an orbit in less than an earthly day.

Astronomers find 8 new super-hot stars

An international team of astronomers - using a telescope in South Africa - have discovered 8 new super-hot stars that shed light on how stars evolve.

Slow, long fireball Monday night over the UK

After a slow start, 2023 has now provided a massive boost to the fireball activity with a well-timed event over the southern United Kingdom.

How far is Betelgeuse, the famous doomed star?

Betelgeuse is bright and it's exciting because one day it will explode - but how far away is it, really? Astronomers aren't sure.

How to find life on Enceladus? Look in the plumes

Do we need to drill through miles of ice to find life on Enceladus? A new study says a simpler strategy is to just re-analyze the moon's water vapor plumes.

Black holes are time machines, with a catch

Black holes are time machines for traveling into the future and the past. But it's not quite so simple. Read more about the rules of time travel in black holes.

A large volcanic outburst on Jupiter’s moon Io

An astronomer used a remotely operated telescope to monitor Io's volcanoes. In fall 2022, he saw a large volcanic outburst - the largest yet!

Jupiter’s moon Io: Global magma ocean, or hot metal core?

2 new research papers debate whether Jupiter's moon Io has a magma ocean or a hot metal core. The results were presented at the AGU22 meeting this month.