What is a neutron star? How do they form?

A neutron star is born from a supernova explosion. They contain a couple of times the mass of our sun, squeezed into a sphere the size of a city on Earth.

Europa’s icy crust rides on warm ocean currents

A new study from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Oxford University shows how ocean currents can affect how fast or slow Europa's icy crust rotates.

Was ‘Oumuamua a comet? Avi Loeb responds to new research

A March 22 study suggests that 'Oumuamua, which passed us in 2017, was a comet from another solar system. Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb strongly disagrees.

200-foot asteroid 2023 DZ2 passed closer than moon

Asteroid 2023 DZ2 safely passed Earth at less than half the distance between the moon and Earth on March 24-25, 2023. More info here.

Weather-watching on Jupiter and Uranus with Hubble

The Hubble Space Telescope keeps an eye on the planets in space, watching the weather and seasons change on planets such as Jupiter and Uranus.

Why are the Voyager spacecraft getting closer to Earth?

The Voyager spacecraft are traveling away from Earth. So, why do the distances between the spacecraft and Earth decrease for a few months every year?

Was ‘Oumuamua an outgassing interstellar comet?

Researchers have solved the mystery of the strange orbit of 'Oumuamua. Outgassing from hydrogen gave the interstellar comet its distinctive push.

Asteroid 2023DW won’t hit Earth on Valentine’s Day 2046

Astronomers have now said asteroid 2023DW will most likely not hit Earth on Valentine's Day 2046. In fact, there's a 99.972% chance that 2023DW will miss us.

Asteroid 2023 EY to sweep closer than moon tonight

On March 17, 2023, near-Earth asteroid 2023 EY will sweep closely past Earth, coming within about 62% of the moon's distance. You can watch it live here!

Active volcanoes on Venus found in Magellan data

Scientists have evidence for an active volcanic vent on a known Venus mountain. It's the first direct evidence of active volcanoes on Venus!