Oceans for 4 Uranus’ moons likely, astronomers say

A new study suggests oceans for 4 Uranus' moons. If true, they'd join a growing number of ocean worlds in the outer part of our solar system.

Webb finds water vapor near star with exoplanet

Astronomers using NASA's Webb Space Telescope have found signs of water vapor. But is it on a rocky exoplanet or the planet's star?

A 1st! Star destroys its planet, previewing Earth’s future

Astronomers announced that - for the first time - they've seen when a star destroys its planet. It's a glimpse into Earth's future. Watch a video here.

Can aliens around nearby stars detect us?

A new study looked at whether aliens around nearby stars could detect the radio signals from Earth's cell phone towers. Learn what they found here.

SETI Institute expands search for aliens with VLA

As part of SETI, astronomers are now using the Very Large Array radio telescope array in a comprehensive new search for radio signals from alien civilizations.

Early-universe prequel to a huge galaxy cluster

We know our universe consists of gigantic galaxy clusters in space. And we know that looking far away in space equals looking back in time. Here's an early-universe prequel to a huge galaxy cluster.

Marsquakes reveal red planet’s deep secrets

NASA's InSight lander provided seismic data from marsquakes that shows that Mars' core is smaller and denser than scientists previously thought.

Black hole and its jet imaged together for 1st time

For the 1st time, astronomers have taken an image of a black hole that shows both the black hole and a powerful jet of material being blasted away from it.

Voyager 2 science mission extended another 3 years

NASA has found a way to conserve power on Voyager 2, allowing for its science mission to extend another three years. Read more about it here.

Asteroid Phaethon – parent of Geminid meteors – gets weirder

The asteroid Phaethon is the parent object of the annual Geminid meteor shower. It forms a comet-like tail made of sodium, not dust.