Searching for habitable exoplanets in the soot zone

Astronomers say that habitable exoplanets could form in the soot zone around young stars. They could be rich in volatile carbon compounds, different from Earth.

What makes a halo around the sun or moon?

A large ring or circle of light around the sun or moon is called a 22-degree halo. They are caused by high, thin cirrus clouds drifting high above your head.

News from Enceladus via Webb: A huge water plume!

NASA's Webb Space Telescope has observed the largest water plume on Enceladus ever seen. Details about the analysis results will be published in a new paper.

Ancient ocean on Mars? Chinese rover finds marine sediments

Scientists in China say that the Zhurong rover has found new evidence for an ancient ocean on Mars, sedimentary rocks formed in a shallow marine environment.

Hubble’s hunt for an intermediate-mass black hole

Scientists using the Hubble space telescope have found evidence for an intermediate-mass black hole in the closest globular cluster to Earth, M4.

Frank Drake, SETI visionary, born on this date

May 28, 2023, would be the 93rd birthday of Frank Drake. He formulated the famous Drake equation in 1961, as a tool for contemplating alien civilizations.

What’s a safe distance from a supernova for Earth?

What's a safe distance from a supernova? To survive a supernova, recent data says Earth would have to be at least 160 light-years away from the exploding star.

Weird comet in asteroid belt targeted by Webb

The Webb telescope has observed Comet Read, a weird comet in the main asteroid belt. Among the findings ... water vapor, yes. But carbon dioxide, no.

How AI is helping astronomers

AI is helping astronomers process the staggering amounts of data they receive from observatories. It's even making new discoveries based on theoretical objects.

Distant volcano-covered world is the size of Earth

Astronomers say they have discovered an Earth-sized exoplanet 90 light-years away that may be a volcano-covered world, possibly as active as Jupiter's moon Io.