Mars’ Mount Sharp built of lake sediments?

The Curiosity rover on Mars is exploring the base of Mount Sharp, within the Gale Crater. Did the crater hold a series of lakes? Did lake sediments create the mountain?

Asteroid 2014 UR116 is no threat to Earth

Calculations by NASA and Harvard say the closest the asteroid will get to Earth is about 2.7 million miles - over 10 times the moon's distance - in April 2047.

Video: Chasing Starlight

Beautiful new time-lapse video from Jack Fusco, under Canada's dark skies.

New Horizon spacecraft wakes up for encounter with Pluto system

It's awake! On Saturday, the New Horizons spacecraft came out of hibernation, at the doorstep of Pluto.

As Dawn approaches, new image of dwarf planet Ceres

1 Ceres is the largest and most massive object in the main asteroid belt, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Dawn will reach it in March, 2015.

Dawn Journal: Update on trek from Vesta to Ceres

Dawn spacecraft's chief engineer and mission director at JPL shares insights. Dawn due to reach Ceres in March, 2015. First spacecraft ever to orbit two planetary bodies!

Video: We are dead stars

Every atom in our bodies was processed in the body of an ancient star.

Why scientists want to find a pulsar orbiting a black hole

Discovering a pulsar orbiting a black hole is considered 'an authentic holy grail’ for testing Einstein's theory of gravity.

Does this Martian meteorite contain traces of life?

Researchers say they’ve found evidence of biological activity inside a meteorite from Mars that landed on the Moroccan desert in 2011.

Astronomers and citizen scientists discover a strange galaxy

J1649+2635 is one of only four galaxies known to have both spiral arms and jets of subatomic particles propelled outward from its core at nearly light speed.