Black hole is sleeping giant

At the heart of galaxy NGC 4889 lurks one of the most massive black holes ever discovered. Astronomers think this giant has stopped feeding and is now resting.

Merging galaxies in Eridanus, via Hubble

Characterized as a peculiar galaxy, NGC 1487 is an elaborate cosmic whirl likely formed when several dwarf galaxies merged.

Gravitational waves’ new window on cosmos

Why are scientists so excited about the first-ever detection of gravitational waves? Deborah Byrd reports on this episode of EarthSky News.

Gravitational waves detected!

We can now detect gravitational waves, says LIGO. Unanticipated discoveries, unexpected marvels, ahead.

Galaxies hidden by Milky Way revealed

For the first time, astronomers peered through stars and dust in the Milky Way galaxy to find ... more galaxies. The work helps explain a mystery Great Attractor.

Lightning strikes, seen from ISS

Is this cool or what? Time-lapse video from International Space Station astronaut Tim Peake.

Earthlike exoplanets with Earthlike interiors?

Rocky planets orbiting other stars have interiors similar to Earth's, with a thin outer crust, thick mantle, and Mars-sized core, says a new study.

Volcanos, lakebeds and possible Mars life

Scientists are traveling to Tibet this summer to explore places that might be possible earthly analogs to regions on Mars once suitable for life.

James Webb Space Telescope takes a giant step

It'll have 7 times the collecting area of Hubble, and it's scheduled for launch in 2018. James Webb Space Telescope ... and more on this episode of EarthSky News.

See 5 bright planets at once

First time we can see 5 planets at once since 2005. All 5 are up before dawn, still, and all 5 will remain visible until Mercury disappears in the dawn just after mid-February.

Matching Donation Campaign

Exciting news! EarthSky received a $50,000 gift, with a request that it be used to collect matching funds. Please help us meet this match by donating to EarthSky today!

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