New moons! Uranus now has 28 and Neptune 16

New moons for Uranus and Neptune! They're the faintest found so far using Earth-based telescopes. Scientists think they are fragments of larger bodies.

Ancient volcanoes on Mars were diverse

Researchers in China and the U.S. said ancient active volcanoes on Mars were more diverse than previously known, despite a lack of plate tectonics.

Did passing stars change Earth’s orbit?

We long suspected that passing stars are what send distant comets sunward. But could passing stars also change Earth's orbit? A recent study says yes.

Star clouds in the Milky Way are doing the wave

Star clouds peppered with stellar nurseries form a huge, wave-like structure in the Local Arm of our galaxy. And now astronomers discovered its doing the wave.

Dead satellite enters atmosphere over Pacific Ocean

A dead satellite - ESA’s ERS-2 satellite - reentered Earth's atmosphere yesterday. ESA said: The entry was uncontrolled or "natural".

Icy Eris and Makemake have warm hearts

NASA's Webb space telescope shows that icy dwarf planets Eris and Makemake have been warm and geologically active on the inside recently, and may still be.

Meet Pollux: The brighter twin star of Gemini

Pollux, the brightest star in the constellation Gemini, blazes in a golden light next to its bluish-white heavenly twin, Castor.

Castor is 6 stars in one

The bright blue-white star Castor, in the constellation Gemini, appears to our eyes as a single star. But it’s really a family of 6 stars.

Record quasar is most luminous object in the universe

Record quasar J0529-4351 is the current record holder for most luminous object in the universe, fastest-growing black hole and largest accretion disk.

John Glenn 1st American in orbit 62 years ago today

John Glenn became the first American to orbit Earth on February 20, 1962, 62 years ago today. His space capsule was called Friendship 7.