Astronomer probes idea of ET ‘lurkers’

What would an extraterrestrial intelligence need to observe Earth, long-term, from nearby? Materials, a firm anchor, concealment? Earth's co-orbital objects, or quasi-satellites, might be the ideal place to "lurk."

New insights on Venus’ cloud-tops and super-rotation

Why does Venus' upper atmosphere circle the planet in just 4 Earth-days, while the planet itself takes 243 Earth-days to spin once? Japan's Akatsuki spacecraft probed the mysterious "super-rotation" of Venus' clouds.

NASA creates stunning new black hole visualization

For decades, astronomical theorists have told us that a black hole's powerful gravity would warp the space around it. This new visualization from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center is the best yet at showing exactly how.

Found: 3 black holes due to collide

Take one minute to watch a video of a system of 3 galaxies - called SDSS J0849+1114 - all orbiting each other a billion light years from Earth. Each galaxy contains a supermassive black hole, which are circling each other, about to collide.

IAU names the 2nd interstellar visitor

The first known interstellar visitor received the official name 'Oumuamua, meaning 'scout.' This one has a less romantic name and one that sets a standard for future discoveries: 2I/Borisov.

Using 3-D models in the search for Mars life

Maps are handy for travel. But what if you're traveling to a place never before visited? For the ExoMars mission, due to launch next summer, scientists have developed new 3-D models of the area to be explored, which may be an old Martian river delta.

Was Venus ever habitable?

Today, Venus is hot, dry ... hellish. But maybe not always. Scientists created 5 new computer simulations of Venus, all with some water coverage. All 5 models showed Venus as stable, temperate and with some water for 3 billion years.

Why we need to get back to Venus

This hot neighbor, with its surface veiled by thick clouds, hasn't benefited from the attention showered on Mars and the moon. But Venus might offer insights into Earth's future.

Venus to take center stage in October 2020 observation campaign

Launched in 2018, the BepiColombo mission will have the first of its 2 encounters with Venus - while on its way to Mercury - in October 2020. Coordinated observations at that time will involve 2 spacecraft and multiple ground-based telescopes. 

Scientists use drones to probe earthly dust devils, with an eye toward Mars

Dust devils are common are common on Earth, but ubiquitous on Mars, a desert world. Scientists are using drones carrying cameras and other instruments to gain new insights.