Astronomers reveal asteroid 2000 WO107 as a contact binary

Asteroid 2000 WO107 passed Earth safely on November 29, at 11 times the moon's distance. Astronomers at Goldstone bounced radar signals from its surface and discovered it's 2 asteroids that touched, and stuck.

Monster sunspot AR2786 swings into better view

The sun is becoming active again as it enters Solar Cycle 25. This week, scientists' predictions of sunspots were proven via photos from astronomers around the world. Giant sunspot AR2786 can be viewed with proper filters and may create strong flares that reach Earth.

Curiosity rover spots signs of ancient megafloods on Mars

We already know that Gale Crater on Mars used to hold a lake or series of lakes a few billion years ago. Now, NASA's Curiosity rover has found evidence for ancient giant floods that washed through the region as well.

Active volcanoes on Mars today? If so, they may point to Mars habitability

A new study of geologically young lava flows in Elysium Planitia suggests that Mars might still have residual volcanic activity below its surface. The finding may have implications for possible martian life.

NSF says Arecibo telescope will be dismantled

Heartbreaking news. After 57 years as a world-class resource for astronomy, the iconic Arecibo telescope is to be decommissioned, or withdrawn from service, the NSF announced today. The dish-type radio telescope - built into a natural depression in the landscape in Puerto Rico - appears to be headed for a "controlled disassembly."

Does Jupiter’s moon Europa have geysers? If so, what’s their source?

If watery plumes do burst from Europa's surface, they might originate not in the moon's underground ocean, but instead in pockets of brine trapped in the moon's crust. If that's so, it could be a source of frustration for those who want to probe Europa's ocean for possible life.

A statement on Arecibo Observatory’s engineering options

Worrisome news regarding broken cables and engineering options at Arecibo Observatory, the iconic big radio dish in Puerto Rico.

Does Europa glow in the dark?

The icy surface of Jupiter’s moon Europa may glow on its nightside, the side facing away from the sun.

Pluto’s landscape more like Earth’s than previously thought

New analysis of data gathered from New Horizons' 2015 flyby of Pluto shows evidence of Earth-like snow-capped mountains and the potential for glaciers made of methane ice.

Hubble sees the brightest kilonova yet

Observations by the Hubble Space Telescope reveal intense infrared radiation from an unusual kilonova probably created by the collision of neutron stars.