Finally, an electron-capture supernova

"We started by asking ‘what’s this weirdo?’ the astronomers said. Now they recognize SN 2018zd as an electron-capture supernova.

Tiangong: China’s new space station. What to expect

Astronauts performed the first space walk on Tiangong, China's new space station, on July 4, 2021. They are now preparing it to be inhabited by future crews.

More rogue planets found drifting in Milky Way

Scientists using the Kepler telescope have found a new population of rogue planets, or free-floating planets, unconnected to any star.

Most-massive white dwarf living on the edge

The most-massive white dwarf now known is ZTF J1901+1458. It's thought to have formed when 2 less massive white dwarfs merged. It has 1.3 times our sun's mass.

Mars methane mystery? Depends on the time of day

Scientists think they've solved the mystery of why NASA's Curiosity rover keeps detecting methane on Mars, but ESA's Trace Gas Orbiter doesn't.

Deep Space Atomic Clock sets record in 1st test run

NASA’s Deep Space Atomic Clock has outperformed all other clocks in space during its first year in orbit around Earth. The clock is at least 10 times more stable than those used on GPS satellites, researchers report June 30, 2021 in the journal Nature.

Virgin Orbit successfully launches 7 satellites in 3rd mission

In Virgin Orbit's 3rd-ever space mission, the air-launched LauncherOne rocket carried seven satellites to orbit on June 30, 2021. Virgin Orbit announced all seven payloads had successfully reached their target orbits.

Planet makes a surprise photobomb

Swiss-led telescope CHEOPS unexpectedly captured a surprise photobomb of a planet 50 light-years away. This planet is now a "golden target," scientists said.

Big gulp! 2 black holes swallow neutron stars

What happens when black holes swallow neutron stars? Scientists could only speculate until recently. Now we have measurements of 2 such events!

Astronomers see 2,034 stars in Earth Transit Zone

Scientists have calculated that 2,034 stars within 326 light-years have an opportunity to detect Earth using the transit method.