The Andromeda galaxy: All you need to know

The Andromeda galaxy is the closest big galaxy to our Milky Way. At 2.5 million light-years, it's the most distant thing you can see with the eye alone.

Ancient sea cow was attacked by a crocodile and sharks

The fossil remains of a sea cow from the Miocene Period reveal bite marks that suggest it was attacked by a crocodile and subsequently scavenged by sharks.

Landslide-triggered tsunamis becoming more common

Landslide-triggered tsunamis due to melting glaciers and permafrost are becoming more common with global warming. Read more about Alaska and Greenland.

Sapphire: September birthstone comes in many colors

Sapphire, the September birthstone, is typically blue, the color caused by small amounts of titanium and iron in the crystal structure.

Amazing new Mars image! A moon, a volcano, an atmosphere

A new Mars image showcases the moon Phobos, the largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons, and the red planet's thin atmosphere.

Direct black hole images that are 50% clearer?

Astronomers with the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration have developed a new technique that will produce direct black hole images with 50% better resolution.

Meerkats are our adorable and sociable lifeform of the week

Meerkats are adorable mammals you can't help but love. They live in groups and take care of each other, especially the cubs and the sick members.

Saturn’s rings: Top tips for seeing those glorious rings

If you want to see Saturn's rings, September 2024 is a great time to look. Grab a telescope, find a dark sky and read the tips found here!

Pioneer 11 swept past Saturn 45 years ago today

Pioneer 11 was the 1st spacecraft to encounter Saturn. A true pioneer, it paved the way for the 2 Voyagers in 1980 and 1981 plus Cassini from 2004 to 2017.

Water on exoplanets is mostly hidden deep inside

A new study shows there is likely much more water on exoplanets than previously thought. Most of it would be hidden in a planet's interior.