Closest supermoon of 2022 is July 13

The closest supermoon of the year will be today! On July 13, 2022. The moon will lie 222,089 miles (357,418 km) from Earth.

What is a waning crescent moon?

A waning crescent moon can be found in the east before sunrise. It's waning toward new moon, that's when the moon will be between the Earth and the sun.

2021 moon phases, with distances from Earth

2021 moon phases in a chart format. Dates closest to new moon provide the darkest skies and the best opportunities for stargazing and meteor-watching.

Moon phases 2021 in text format

Read a list of the phases of the moon for all of 2021.

Quarter moon or a half moon?

Half the moon always faces us. And half the moon is always lit by the sun. But, in the language of astronomers, there are no 'half moons.'

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