Supervolcano eruption 20,000 years ahead?

Italy's Phlegraean Fields - one of Earth's most active and volatile volcanic regions - is readying for a catastrophic eruption, says new research. But not for thousands of years.

The future disappearance of Quelccaya Ice Cap

Quelccaya, in the Central Andes of Peru, is the largest tropical ice cap in the world. A recent study suggests that the ice cap might soon cease to exist.

Huge 4,000-year-old termite mounds visible via satellite

Researchers have found a vast array of regularly-spaced, still-inhabited termite mounds in northeastern Brazil covering an area the size of Great Britain.

For arid, Mars-like desert, rain brings death

When rains fell on the arid Atacama Desert, it was reasonable to expect floral blooms to follow. But a team of astrobiologists has found that the water brought death instead.

How rare are November hurricanes?

The 2018 Atlantic hurricane season is nearing an end, but November hurricanes do occur and they can be deadly.

Narwhal adopted by belugas

Scientists are trying to solve the mystery of why a narwhal was adopted by a group of beluga whales in Canada's St. Lawrence River.

Captive killer whales share personality traits with humans and chimps

Killer whales share some personality traits with humans and chimps - such as playfulness, independence, stubbornness, bravery, sensitivity and protectiveness - according to a new study.

Huge meteorite crater discovered under Greenland ice

Researchers have identified a large meteorite impact crater hiding under the Greenland ice. The enormous crater - bigger than Paris - appears to be result of meteor strike just 12,000 years ago.

Pine Island Glacier drops another massive iceberg

The giant iceberg - about 3 times the size of Manhattan – broke off from Pine Island Glacier in late October. Scientists say the frequency of such events appears to be on the rise.

What is space weather?

Activity on the sun’s surface creates the conditions known as space weather, that can, at its worst, damage Earth satellites and cause electrical blackouts.