Great white shark genome decoded

It'll help unlock mysteries about these iconic apex predators - explaining their "superpowers" like wound-healing and long lifespans - and why they've thrived more than 400 million years.

When and where did Earth get its oxygen?

Earth's atmosphere contains about 21% oxygen today. Plants produce it, and animals - including humans - breathe it. Ancient rocks provide clues about when the oxygen in Earth's atmosphere began to arise.

These ice-covered Chilean volcanoes could erupt soon

Heightened volcanic activity in the Nevados de Chillán prompted Chilean authorities to issue an orange alert in anticipation of an eruption.

Want cleaner roadside air? Plant hedges

To improve air quality near urban roads, scientists from the Global Centre for Clean Air Research recommend planting hedges that can trap air pollutants.

New NASA consortium to study how life began

How did life originate on Earth and, possibly, other worlds in space? A new NASA consortium has the goal of probing one of nature's most perplexing mysteries.

Why zebras have stripes

New research suggests that stripes help zebras evade biting flies and the deadly diseases they carry. Hear from the scientists who led the study.

Countdown to calving at Antarctic ice shelf

Cracks growing across the Brunt Ice Shelf are poised to release an iceberg about twice the size of New York City. A scientific presence on the ice shelf since 1955 has an uncertain future.

Could cockroaches survive a nuclear apocalypse?

Cockroaches have a reputation for resilience, even when it comes to surviving a nuclear bomb and radiation - but will they really outlive us all?

Earth’s atmosphere extends beyond moon

In fact, these researchers said, the moon flies through Earth's outermost atmosphere, called its geocorona.

The ozone hole: Closing the gap

After thinning at alarming rates in the 1980s and 90s, the ozone layer over Antarctica is starting to recover.