New evidence for life in a Martian meteorite?

The discovery of fossilized microbes in Martian meteorites has been claimed before. Now scientists in Hungary add a new study of the ALH-77005 meteorite, with some intriguing new evidence.

Alaska’s mountain glaciers: A 10-year story

Glaciers in Alaska are losing ice and contributing to sea level rise. To monitor these changes, a team of researchers has been flying scientific instruments on a bright red, single-engine plane since spring 2009.

Fungal disease killing off frogs, toads, salamanders worldwide

The disease, which eats away at the skin of amphibians, has completely wiped out 90 species and caused dramatic population declines in more than 500 more.

60% of bird species came from Australia

All perching birds - the majority of the world’s bird population - originated in Australia, researchers report.

2018 global CO2 growth 4th highest on record

According to NOAA data, global growth in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) in 2018 was the 4th-highest in 60 years of record-keeping.

Fossil barnacles help track ancient whale migrations

One surprise finding of the new research is that the coast of Panama has been a meeting ground for humpback whales for at least 270,000 years and still is today.

How coyote pups get used to humans

Across North America, coyotes are moving into urban environments. While human residents are having to get used to the new animal neighbors, coyotes are also habituating to people.

How can US adapt to threat of water shortages?

A new study suggests that reductions in water use for agriculture might be the best bet for avoiding future water shortages in the U.S.

Meet the world’s biggest T. rex

Say hello to “Scotty." The towering and battle-scarred Tyrannosaurus rex is the biggest yet discovered and the largest terrestrial predator known to science.

Great images of fireball over Bering Sea

Last December 18, a big "fireball" or bright meteor exploded above the Bering Sea with more than 10 times the energy of the atomic blast over Hiroshima. Satellites saw it all.