April 2019 2nd hottest on record for globe

April 2019 was the 2nd-hottest April in the climate record, dating back to 1880, and the period from January-April was the 3rd-hottest year-to-date on record. In the Arctic, sea ice coverage shrunk to a record April low.

Springtime in northern Europe starting earlier and earlier

New analyses of satellite data show that the start of the spring growing season in northern Europe has advanced by 0.3 days per year from 2000 to 2016.

More West Antarctic glacier ice now unstable

By combining 25 years of satellite data, scientists have discovered that warming ocean waters have caused the ice to thin so rapidly that 24% of the glacier ice in West Antarctica is now affected.

Magnetic north is shifting fast. What’ll happen to the northern lights?

As magnetic north shifts increasingly away from the geologic north pole - towards Siberia - studies suggest the northern lights could move with it.

Lush underwater forests … in the Arctic

Did you know that there are hidden underwater forests of large brown seaweeds (kelps) in the Arctic? As temperatures warm, the forests are expanding.

How Venus and Mars can teach us about Earth

The atmospheres of our 2 neighbors Mars and Venus can teach us a lot about past and future scenarios for our own planet.

The oldest known tree in eastern North America

Scientists say a bald cypress tree in the North Carolina wetlands is at least 2,624 years old.

Giant devil rays’ secret birthing zone?

The discovery of dozens of pregnant giant devil rays tangled in fishing nets in Mexico’s Gulf of California could mean the endangered species has an unknown birthing zone there, says a new study.

Asteroid strike simulation blasts New York City

It seems like play, but they're serious. Every year, at the Planetary Defense Conference, asteroid experts from around the globe run days-long simulations of asteroids headed for major cities. In 2019, it was New York City's turn.

Arsenic-breathing life discovered in Pacific

Arsenic is a deadly poison for most living things, but new research shows that microorganisms are breathing arsenic in a large area of the Pacific Ocean.