Watch 2 penguins explore closed Chicago aquarium

You'll love this video of a couple of penguins openly exploring Chicago's Shedd Aquarium, closed due to COVID-19.

Retreat at Pine Island glacier

Pine Island Glacier is one of the fastest-retreating glaciers in Antarctica. Watch the glacier’s ice front retreat and shed some notable icebergs over the past 2 decades.

Top tips for feeding wild birds

It's OK to feed wild birds. Here are some tips for doing it the right way from a wildlife ecologist.

I saw an upside-down rainbow. What is it?

Circumzenithal arcs have been described as upside-down rainbows or "a grin in the sky." They're wonderful! See photos here.

Eggshells support idea that dinosaurs were warm-blooded

Were dinosaurs warm-blooded or cold-blooded? According to a new study that analyzed the chemistry of dinosaur eggshells, the answer is "warm."

Western New York digging out from intense snow and ice

An intense storm and lake-effect snow walloped upstate New York - especially rural areas in western New York - in late February 2020. On the shores of Lake Erie, the storm created a dramatic display of thick, windblown ice on homes and buildings.

Antarctica melts under its hottest days on record

On February 6, weather stations recorded the hottest temperature on record for Antarctica, 64.9°F (18.3°C). The warm spell caused widespread melting on nearby glaciers

Fifty years of data show spring and fall bird migrations changing

Bird-banding data in North America shows a spring migration pattern that's become progressively earlier with each of the last 5 decades, and a fall migration that's lasting longer than 50 years ago.

African dust bombards the Canary Islands

These hot, dust-laden winds are known as “la calima” and happen most often in winter. They can blow at up to 75 mph (120 kph). The dust kicked up last weekend in Africa drifted over the Canary Islands, shutting down airports and stranding travelers.

Arctic ice melt changing major ocean current

A major ocean current in the Arctic is faster and more turbulent as a result of rapid sea ice melt, according to a new study.