Hundreds of fish species, including many we eat, are consuming plastic

As more and more plastic trash permeates the oceans, microplastics are making their way into fish and shellfish, and potentially into humans.

Strong earthquake in Japan called ‘aftershock’ of deadly 2011 quake

No fatalities were reported in the February 13, 2021, strong earthquake in Japan, which occurred off Japan's east coast, near the epicenter of the 2011 9.0-magnitude Tohoku earthquake.

A record deadly week for US avalanches in early February

2021 has brought a deadly avalanche season. "We're only halfway through the season and we're 3/4 of the way to the number of fatalities we'd see in a typical year. The dangerous, record-breaking year keeps avalanche forecasters up at night," one expert said.

Has the polar vortex arrived? What is it?

The polar vortex is an enormous, 3-dimensional ring of winds that surrounds the North and South poles during each hemisphere’s winter. The polar vortex influences the jet stream, which can bring cold winter weather to the U.S. and Europe.

Great Backyard Bird Count begins February 12

Show your love for birds by joining the 2021 Great Backyard Bird Count. It's free and easy to participate in this 4-day global event. Find out how here.

Is this the end of the A-68A iceberg?

Satellite images reveal that the once colossal A-68A iceberg has broken into multiple pieces.

Watch giant pandas frolic in the snow

Watch giant pandas Mei Xiang and Tian Tian sliding and rolling around in snow in their habitat at Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington in this video.

Another terrible year for wildfires and smoke in the US in 2020

Wildfires burned more than 10 million acres in the United States during the 2020 season. It was the worst season on record.

A giant undersea sand worm’s fossilized lair

In 20-million-=year-old rock off the coast of Taiwan, researchers have discovered what they think is the fossilized burrow of a giant, predatory sand worm.

Earth is losing ice at a record rate

The rate at which ice is disappearing across the planet has been speeding up, by 65% since the 1990s, a survey of global ice loss using European Space Agency satellite data reveals.