A new coral reef atlas you can explore

A new coral reef atlas is the first global, high-resolution map of its kind. It presents details on the composition and structure of the ocean floor.

Shelf Cloud photos shared by readers

A shelf cloud, also known as an arcus cloud, forms at the leading edge of thunderstorms and signals that gusty winds are coming.

Aurora alert! Pair of CMEs to jolt Earth’s magnetic field

Aurora alert! A pair of coronal mass ejections will reach Earth September 1-2, 2021. Though not dangerous to satellites or the grid, they might cause auroras.

Earth’s northernmost island, found by accident

An Arctic expedition has discovered Earth's northernmost island in July. It lies north of the former title-holder, Oodaaq, off northern Greenland.

Hurricane Ida: 4 essential reads about New Orleans hurricane risk, and more

Hurricane Ida hit the Louisiana coast with 150 mph (240 km/h) winds on August 29, 2021, 16 years to the day after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans on nearly the same path. What does climate change have to do with these powerful storms?

Can we recreate dinosaurs from their DNA?

Can we recreate dinosaurs from their DNA? Maybe we could, if dinosaur DNA still existed. But DNA breaks down after some 7 million years.

Late summer 2021 fires, California, seen from space

NASA's Terra satellite caught images of streamers of smoke from late summer 2021 fires in California during its 115,254th orbit of Earth.

Rare lunar halo – an odd-radius halo – over India

A common halo around the sun or moon has a radius of 22 degrees. It's called a 22-degree halo. But here's a rare lunar halo: an odd-radius halo.

Predicting solar storms to protect Earth

Predicting solar storms isn't easy. We're still a long way from forecasting space weather events days in advance. But we're getting closer.

July 2021 Earth’s hottest month on record

July 2021 was the hottest month ever recorded, according to new global data released on August 13 by NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information.