Hell Creek evidence pinpoints month of dinosaur extinction

Scientists have pinpointed the exact month of dinosaur extinction to be June, by looking at sediment layers in North Dakota and fossil water lilies.

Sweden went 1st in banning aerosol sprays on January 23, 1978

Sweden 1st to ban aerosol sprays on this date in 1978. They were propelled by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which harmed Earth's ozone layer.

Tonga volcano dwarfed biggest nuclear blasts ever seen, monitor says

The Tonga volcano was felt around the world. The January 15, 2022, blast sent tsunamis as far as the US West Coast.

6th mass extinction happening now? These scientists say yes

By including invertebrates in their study and not just mammals and birds, these scientists say Earth is currently undergoing a 6th mass extinction.

Australia ties its hottest temperature on record

Onslow, Australia, reached 50.7 C on January 13, 2022, tying its hottest temperature on record in the country and for the Southern Hemisphere.

Shackleton expedition to magnetic south pole

On January 16, 1909, a team of Antarctic explorers thought they'd found the magnetic south pole. The magnetic south and north poles wander every year.

Millipede fossil shows they were once as big as cars

Scientists recently announced the discovery of a large millipede fossil that shows the creatures were once as long as 9 feet (nearly 3 meters).

Earlier tsunami warnings via magnetic fields

Scientists analyzed tsunamis from 2009 and 2010. They showed the magnetic fields of these great waves can help create earlier tsunami warnings.

Personal solstices: EarthSky community photos

Personal solstices - photos from the EarthSky community around the world - showing what the December solstice means to them.

Top 10 stories of 2021 from EarthSky

The top 10 stories of 2021 is a review of what we've learned in the past year from our home planet, Earth, out to the vast universe.