The parrot Richard Henry has passed away

Richard Henry, one of a critically endangered species of parrot, has died at age 80. He's credited with helping to save his species from extinction. R.I.P. Richard Henry.

Hot clues to future warming from Earth’s distant past

An analysis of ancient climate records suggests future global warming might be more severe than most scientists now suspect. Read more on future warming.

Clone a mammoth? Some scientists intend to try

The woolly mammoth has been extinct for about 10,000 years. But if a research team is successful, there’ll soon be a mammoth walking the earth again.

Six Haitian frogs, lost and now found

One year after Haiti's devastating earthquake, scientists in early 2011 find hope in the rediscovery of six species of frogs.

Brazil floods and mudslides claim over 511 lives

Mudslides and floods in Brazil have claimed the lives of over 511 people. More rain is expected in areas just north of Rio de Janeiro this weekend.

Despite similar genes, we’re different from chimps

Chimps and humans have similar genes. Genetically, we're 97% identical. So why are we so different? The answer has to do with how our genes work and interact.

Foxes use Earth’s magnetic field to jump on prey

Foxes are the first animals thought to use Earth's magnetic field to judge distance, not just direction.

Garbage soup, not garbage patch, in our oceans

Angelicque White says it's a dilute garbage soup, not a garbage patch, in our oceans. But plastic can be found in across an area bigger than Texas.

Toowoomba flash floods sweep away cars. See video

Watch this dramatic video of cars swept away Toowoomba flash floods. This city in Queensland, Australia, suffered 6 inches of rain in 30 minutes.

Punta Tombo penguins had a tough year in 2010

Dee Boersma - sometimes called "the Jane Goodall of penguins - said 2010 was a hard year for Punta Tombo penguins. This is one of the world’s largest breeding colonies.