What's in a kiss? Sheril Kirshenbaum says there's a lot more to it than just lips on lips. Read more about the importance of kissing for humans and animals.
Arjun Makhijani studies shows how the U.S. could have low-carbon energy. He believes wind and solar energy would be cheaper and safer than nuclear power.
Wanless said that with projected sea level rise of 6 feet - the high end of projections - only 44% of South Florida's developed area would still be above high tide by the end of this century.
Scientists discovered the fossilized remains of a species of penguin that lived 36 million years ago - and it turns out their feathers weren't black and white.
Hundreds of millions of people contract malaria every year. New high resolution images show the mosquito-borne parasite in the act of breaking into a red blood cell.
Population experts believe 2011 is the year that Earth will come to have 7 billion human inhabitants. As population grows in this century, experts expect a greater percentage of older people than ever before.
Learning to love science. As a producer for EarthSky, Lindsay Patterson interviews some of the world's most fascinating scientists. Through EarthSky, her work content is syndicated on some of the world's top media websites, including USAToday.com and Reuters.com. Patterson is also charged with helping to stay in steady communication with the thousands of scientists who contribute to EarthSky's work of making the voice of science heard in a noisy world. She graduated from Colorado College with a degree in creative writing, and a keen interest in all forms of journalism and media.