How Antarctica ice forms turned upside down

New research by scientists at Columbia University’s Earth Institute indicates that some Antarctic ice Is forming from the bottom up.

Earthquake in a wheelbarrow

Watch this video created by a survivor of the February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Black squirrels are mutants, but not thugs

Not all squirrels are gray. Black squirrels are just like Eastern gray squirrels, except with more fashionable genes.

Wild candid cameras capture animals at home

Cameras triggered by motion control sensors are a great way to capture photos of wild animals without being too intrusive in their habitat.

Thunder Thighs is the nickname for a new dinosaur

A new dinosaur species discovered in Utah has been nicknamed "Thunder Thighs" for its enormously powerful thigh muscles.

First breathable atmosphere 500 million years ago

Large amounts of oxygen released by ocean plankton made breathable atmosphere on Earth for the first time in history. This happened about 500 million years ago.

Earth’s inner core rotates faster than the rest of the planet

A new paper in Nature Geoscience confirms that the Earth's inner core rotates faster than the rest of the planet but slower than previously believed.

Wieland Schöllkopf: Small particles of matter sometimes act like light

Proving that quantum reflection exists is a little like demonstrating that a ball which has just fallen off a cliff can bounce back up without hitting the ground at all.

Harold Wanless on sea level rise in South Florida

Wanless said that with projected sea level rise of 6 feet - the high end of projections - only 44% of South Florida's developed area would still be above high tide by the end of this century.

Banded sea krait is a swimming, tree-climbing, venomous beauty

The venomous banded sea krait has impressive adaptions for life on land and at sea. But don't ask me about its mating habits. Read more about them.