Life evolved early on land from Paul Strother

Microfossils as old as one billion years, found in the rocks around a remote Scottish loch, reveal clues about the early evolution of life on land.

Volcano shuts down air traffic

The eruption of a volcano in spring 2010 shutdown air traffic over European airspace, causing major travel disruption and economic losses.

A mountain lion is not above eating you

What would you do if you met a 200-lb mountain lion strolling through the park?

Will sea-level begin rising more rapidly along U.S. west coast?

After a three-decade hiatus, sea-level rise might return to U.S. west coast, say Scripps Oceanography researchers.

More barrier islands on Earth than previously thought

A new survey of barrier islands has identified 657 more islands that had gone undetected in a similar study 10 years ago.

Tornado outbreak in southern U.S. was deadliest day ever

With more than 300 dead and the death toll still rising, April 27, 2011 ranks as one of the nation's deadliest tornado days.

Rhinos in Nepal boosted by world-wide support

A focused effort by many groups helps the greater one-horned rhinoceros resulting in an increase in number of the greater one-horned rhinos in Nepal.

Dramatic video of when tornado struck St. Louis airport

A video shows St. Louis International Airport on Friday, April 20 as a tornado struck. Record numbers of tornadoes expected in the U.S. midwest and southeast.

Erosion threatens valuable Arctic coastlines

Arctic coastlines are retreating due to climate warming and erosion, and these changes are harming ecological and social communities.

Gallup survey: Worldwide, blame for climate change falls on humans

Gallup survey shows that Americans are more likely to blame nature for global warming, the exception in a world where most residents blame human activity.