Collapse of Atlantic Ocean circulation possible

As the climate warms, freshwater entering the Atlantic Ocean could rapidly modify ocean circulation.

Rare snow in the Atacama desert, Chile

Satellite imagery captures a rare snowfall in the Atacama Desert of Chile, one of the driest places on Earth. See an image of the rare snow here.

A tool-using fish in Australia

Researchers say they have evidence of a tool-using fish. Diver Scott Gardner captured images of the tool-wielding tuskfish in Australia's Great Barrier Reef.

Can the ocean buffer climate change?

Climate change is negatively affecting the ocean's ability to absorb carbon emissions, say ocean researchers.

Disappearing sea ice and its impacts

Every year since the 1970s, we’ve lost an area of Arctic sea ice about the size of Switzerland. Many scientists suggest we’ll see an ice-free Arctic in the summertime in this century.

Tsunamis from July 10 Japan earthquake only 6 inches high

A 7.0 earthquake near Japan on July 10 resulted in tsunamis of about six inches (10 cm), according to reports from Ofunato port in Iwate and Soma port in Fukushima.

Magnitude 7.1 earthquake off coast of Japan on July 10

A powerful 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck off Japan's eastern coast on July 10, 2011. Tsunami advisories were issued and then cancelled.

What do hummingbirds eat? Find out!

It's fun to watch hummingbirds gather around your backyard feeder. But are you really helping out those hummingbirds by giving them sugar water?

Earth’s tectonic plates driven by hot magma?

Plumes of hot magma from deep inside the Earth could propel tectonic plates around the globe, according to Scripps scientists.

Why the Arizona dust storm on July 5 was so huge

The huge dust storm in Phoenix on July 5, 2011 started with rapidly descending air moving outward from area thunderstorms - combined with a lot of available dust.