Gulf of Mexico report: Year 2, Day 35

Ocean Alliance research vessel Odyssey - offshore in the Gulf of Mexico in summer 2011 - reports on its work studying effects of the Gulf oil spill.

It’s dry across the US South and Southwest in summer 2011

Here in Texas and for 13 other states in the U.S. South and Southwest, severe drought conditions continue. Read more about dry weather.

River disappears in aftermath of 3 earthquakes on July 12, 2011

A river disappears: Villagers believe that the missing water is being held up by a debris dam that was created by landslides triggered in the earthquakes.

Australian night sky in time lapse video

This night sky video is a result of 1.5 years of work off the Southern Ocean coast in Australia. See the Australian night sky in this video.

Loss of large predators has disrupted multiple ecosystems

Scientists say decimation of top predators may be humankind's most pervasive influence on the natural world due to cascading effects on ecosystems.

Wild parrots name their offspring

Cornell University researchers have found that parent parrots in the wild pass on learned vocal signatures - a bit like human names - to their offspring.

Large-scale elephant census planned for Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka will conduct its first large-scale elephant census in nearly a century, amid fears its elephant population has been reduced by half in the past 100 years.

A peek at dinosaurs before mass extinction

A team of scientists has discovered the youngest dinosaur preserved in the fossil record before the catastrophic meteor impact 65 million years ago.

Gulf of Mexico report: Year 2, Day 32

Ocean Alliance research vessel Odyssey - offshore in the Gulf of Mexico in summer 2011 - reports on its work studying effects of the Gulf oil spill.

Naked mole-rat genome exposed

The naked mole-rat may not look like the picture of health, but scientists hope it can teach us how to prevent cancer. Read more here.