What is a hybrid eclipse? A total and annular combined

A hybrid eclipse is a solar eclipse that appears as total for some and annular for others, with those farther from the centerline seeing a partial eclipse.

Medieval monks’ moon journals aid modern volcano studies

Medieval monks kept detailed nature journals, which included stories of strangely dark lunar eclipses. Today, those old journals are helping researchers pinpoint dates of past volcanic eruptions.

The April birthstone is the diamond, the hardest known gem

Happy birthday, April babies! The April birthstone, the diamond, is the hardest of the known gems. And it's the rich cousin of graphite.

Severe storms, tornadoes, hail for U.S. Midwest and South

The same areas of the Midwest and Mississippi Valley hit late last week by tornadoes will be facing more severe storms this week.

Antarctic meltwater threatens collapse of ocean’s overturning circulation

Scientists said that Antarctic meltwater is slowing ocean currents and threatening the collapse of our vital ocean 'overturning.'

Bird migration forecasts get a boost from AI

Researchers use machine learning to track bird migration. Through BirdCast, scientists can inform citizens of when to turn their lights out to protect birds.

Severe weather pummels U.S. Midwest and South, 21 dead

Severe weather and tornadoes pummeled the central United States, and into the South, on Friday, March 31, 2023. Images and video here.

Tornadoes hard to forecast, but predictions improving

Meteorologists are making improvements in forecasting tornadoes. New tools, such as drones and computer modeling, are aiding improvements.

How wildlife can help curb global warming

A new study shows that protecting wildlife can play a huge role in carbon storage and limiting climate change. Read what animals make a big difference.

Here’s why rainbows have a curved or arcing shape

Rainbows have a curved shape because they're made from light reflected after hitting spherical raindrops. Learn more about rainbows here.