Amazing video shows 30 dolphins rescued from beach

Great video of dolphins rescued by beachgoers in Brazil, earlier this week. After being beached, the dolphins were rescued by an army of local people.

Will Japan’s big quake in 2011 lead to more earthquake predictability?

Do atmospheric data related to Japan's big quake in 2011 indicate a leap forward in our ability to predict earthquakes? Read more at EarthSky.

Where is the Japanese tsunami debris? Only the albatrosses know

As of early March 2012, Japanese tsunami debris from the March 11, 2011 tsunami had not reached Midway Atoll beaches, according to a wildlife biologist there.

March 2011 Japan tsunami broke off icebergs in Antarctica

After the March 11, 2011 earthquake, a tsunami crossed the Pacific and ultimately broke off icebergs in Antarctica, as seen in orbital views.

Japanese earthquake shortened Earth’s day 1.4 millionths of a second

The 9.0-magnitude Japanese earthquake on March 11, 2011, caused Earth to spin faster, making our day 1.4 millionths of a second shorter.

Natural disasters in 2011 caused record economic losses

Natural disasters in 2011 caused the highest economic losses from natural disasters on record, due to the March 2011 earthquake in Japan.

Did dinosaur feathers attract mates?

Dinosaur feathers may have attracted mates, possibly in the 120 million year old four-winged dinosaur called a Microraptor.

Heavy rains possible in southern United States

Parts of eastern Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and western Mississippi could see heavy rains through March 13. Could flooding become an issue?

North America’s Great Lakes are losing ice

Ice cover on the Great Lakes has decreased by 71% over the past four decades according to a new study published in the Journal of Climate.

Dolphins say hello with signature tunes

Wild dolphins use specific melodies to introduce themselves when they come across new groups of dolphins, say researchers.

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