Red suns and moons are from wildfires

Wildfire smoke is already drifting across North America in 2023, creating redder-than-usual sunsets. Here's why wildfires cause red suns and moons.

California reservoirs rebound after spring melt

A heavy winter snowpack led to a spring thaw that's filling up California reservoirs. But surface water in reservoirs does not equate to groundwater stores.

Know how to avoid rip currents! Watch this video

Before going to the ocean this year, you'll want to know how to avoid rip currents. Watch a video here to learn how to save yourself from these deadly currents.

Gulf of Mexico dead zone: Summer 2023 forecast

NOAA's summer 2023 forecast for the Gulf of Mexico dead zone calls for a below-average extent of about 4,155 square miles. Read more here.

Canadian wildfire smoke turns US skies orange

Canadian wildfire smoke pouring across the border is turning skies milky white and bringing poor air quality to the northeastern U.S.

Find out why moths are attracted to light

Moths - and many other flying insects - are probably more disoriented by a close light source than they are attracted to it.

2023 hurricane forecast: Busy Pacific, quieter Atlantic

The 2023 hurricane forecast is out! Due to El Niño, forecasters are calling for a busy Pacific basin and a quieter season in the Atlantic.

Best ocean photos: Are you longing for the sea?

Ocean photos from EarthSky friends across the globe in celebration of World Oceans Day 2023. Would you like to share your images?

Media We Love: The Merlin Bird ID app

In this installment of Media We Love, EarthSky editor Kelly Kizer Whitt recommends the Merlin Bird ID app. It's a free app! Learn how it works here.

How wildfire smoke can harm your health, even from far away

Wildfire smoke can affect human health even from far away, taxing lungs and exacerbating existing health problems. Learn about how to reduce your risk.