New South Pole marker gives Pluto and Armstrong a shout out

The new South Pole marker has been moved to its correct location for 2013. A new plaque on top honors Neil Armstrong and the dwarf planet Pluto.

Long term global warming trend continues

2012 was the ninth warmest year in the 132-year record. The ten warmest years have all occurred since 1998. The last cooler-than-average year was 1976.

Five science apps to check out in 2013

Science apps are revolutionizing the way in which we can explore our world. Here are five science apps you should check out in 2013.

Australia experiencing record-breaking heat and wildfires

The city of Eucla, Australia recorded 119°F (48.2 °C) on January 3, 2013, highest temp since records began in 1957. As of January 8, nearly 741,000 acres have burned.

American Meteorological Society focuses on the future

Matt Daniels reports from the 2013 American Meteorological Society meeting in Austin, Texas.

It’s official: 2012 was warmest year for the United States

NCDC finally made it official and announced that 2012 was the warmest year ever recorded in the contiguous United States.

Bats do it, bonobos do it (share food, that is)

Some animals get by with a little help from their friends, while others rely on the kindness of strangers.

U.S. meteorologists gather in Austin today for annual meeting

Check out some of the awesome events that are occurring at the annual meeting of the American Meteorological Society, which starts today.

7.5-magnitude earthquake strikes southeast of Alaska

A local tsunami warning was issued and has now been withdrawn. No Pacific-wide tsunami warning. Hawaii might get strong and unusual ocean currents, but no destructive sea-level rise.

Birds respond to birdsong much like humans do to music

Scientists have discovered that white-throated sparrows react to birdsong in a way that is similar to how our nervous system responds when we listen to music.