What’s happening under cities? Underground climate change

Scientists say heat that structures emit beneath cities leads to underground climate change, which can cause the ground to swell and shrink. Read more here.

The Ring of Fire, where volcanoes and earthquakes reign

The Ring of Fire is home to the majority of Earth's volcanoes and earthquakes. This region rings the Pacific Ocean where tectonic plates interact.

Algae bloom covers half of Florida’s largest lake

An algae bloom in Lake Okeechobee - Florida's largest freshwater lake - covered more than half the lake in June and July. Learn more about the algae here.

Airplane-sized asteroid found 2 days after brush by Earth

An airplane-sized asteroid came within 1/4 the moon's distance to Earth on July 13, 2023. However, scientists didn't detect the asteroid until two days later.

Oceans turning greener due to global warming

Are oceans turning greener amid climate change? Scientists studying satellite images of the ocean for more than 20 years said yes.

How does Earth look from outer space?

How does Earth look from space? You could see it from Neptune, but it's brighter from closer locations. Spacecraft photos tell the tale.

European heatwave bakes areas around the Mediterranean

ESA's Sentinel-3 satellite is keeping an eye on the European heatwave, recording land surface temperatures that aid forecasts and urban planning.

Did the Anthropocene begin in the 1950s?

A scientific working group declared that a new epoch - the Anthropocene - began in 1950, with evidence from a lake in Ontario, Canada.

Record highs at sea and on land, and a ‘shocking’ decline in Antarctic ice

The World Meteorological Organization held a press conference on July 10 to confirm record highs at sea and on land, and a steep decline in Antarctic sea ice.

Sea turtles are as old as dinosaurs: Lifeform of the week

All you need to know about sea turtles: as old as the dinosaurs, incredible navigators and natural survivors. But they need you. Learn what to do to help.