Why is Antarctic sea ice increasing as Arctic sea ice declines?

Arctic sea ice continued its long-term decline in 2014. Meanwhile, sea ice on the other side of the planet was headed in the opposite direction. Why?

Ice crystals don’t melt inside these fish

Antifreeze blood helps fish called notothenioids survive in icy Antarctic waters. The down side is that the ice crystals in their blood don't melt as temperatures warm.

History of storm surge in Florida strongly underestimated

Northwestern Florida was thought to get hit by a hurricane with a five-meter (16-foot) storm surge every 400 years. In fact, the frequency may be every 40 years.

Newfound dino had huge nose, but why?

This dinosaur probably didn't have a keen sense of smell. Its big nose might have been used to attract mates, smash plants or recognize others of its species.

2014 Arctic sea ice minimum sixth-lowest on record

Sea ice in the Arctic continued its below-average trend this year as ice declined to its annual minimum. Meanwhile, in Antarctica, sea ice was at a record high.

Time-lapse video of Meadow Fire in Yosemite

The Meadow fire in Yosemite National Park is still burning, but nearly 100 percent contained now. This video by QT Luong shows the beauty and terror of wildfire.

June through August 2014 hottest ever recorded globally

June through August 2014 is the warmest period recorded since record keeping began in 1880, NOAA says. Also, the warmest August since 1880.

Chimpanzee wars not due to human influence, says study

Lethal aggression is something that chimpanzees naturally do, the study says, regardless of whether human impacts are high or low

Tornado Alley storm season starting and ending earlier

Peak tornado activity typically occurs in the region from early May to early July. It has moved an average of seven days earlier over the past six decades.

New map of 15 years of CO2 emissions

An international research team has developed a new system to quantify 15 years of CO2 emissions, every hour, for the entire planet, down to the city scale.