High risk for future U.S. megadroughts

The U.S. Southwest and Central Plains are at high risk for a megadrought later this century if greenhouse gas concentrations continue to rise, says a new study.

Filmmakers look to world’s loneliest whale

The whale sings in a sound frequency that is so unusual, no other whales will respond. Filmmakers Josh Zeman and Adrian Grenier want to find it, and make a film about it.

Map shows loudest, quietest places in U.S.

A new map created by the National Parks Service. Dark blue areas are the most quiet, light yellow are the loudest. Have a look.

Comma-like shape of February nor’easter

Satellite view of February 14-15 blizzard that hit the U.S northeast. As of February 17, Boston snow was deeper than in all but two locations in Alaska.

Oldest albatross Wisdom lost her egg

Wisdom – world’s oldest known, banded, wild bird at an estimated age of 63 – laid a new egg in late 2014. Now nature reminds us that life and death go hand in hand.

Incredible! Watch great blue heron swallow huge fish

You may have seen a snake swallow a big animal, but have you ever seen a bird do it?

Lifeform of the week: From cacao tree to chocolate valentine

Nothing says "I love you" like roasted and pulverized cacao beans, better known as chocolate.

The 2015 Great Backyard Bird Count starts February 13

This year’s Great Backyard Bird Count runs from February 13 to February 16. It’s free and easy to participate. Find out how here.

Dinosaurs on LSD?

A hallucinogenic fungus, perfectly preserved in amber, suggests that the fungus, the grasses it lived on, and grass-eating dinosaurs co-existed for millions of years.

DSCOVR launch rescheduled for Wednesday

Following launch scrubs on Sunday and again today, the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) now is scheduled to launch at 6:05 p.m. EST Wednesday, February 11.