The mystery of India’s rapid drift

India got a geologic boost that accelerated its drift toward Eurasia 80 million years ago, researchers suggest. The speed of the resulting impact created the Himalayas.

World’s hottest and coldest places

From California's Death Valley to China's Flaming Mountains of Xinjiang ... the world's hottest places. And coldest places! New infographic by GB Energy Supply.

Space data protect whales from ships

A new tool tracks the locations of whales along the U.S. west coast, in order to decrease the chances of whales colliding with ships or getting tangled in fishing gear.

The science behind Nepal earthquakes

Nepal sits on the boundary of the two massive tectonic plates that collided to build the Himalayas. Their ongoing convergence also means earthquakes.

7.3-magnitude earthquake strikes Nepal

Today's earthquake comes less than two weeks after a 7.9-magnitude quake left more than 8,000 dead and 18,000 injured there.

If you give an octopus a camera

... she's going to want to take a picture. An octopus at a New Zealand aquarium trains a camera on visiting tourists.

Asteroids and comets seed exoplanets with water

Earth's water likely came from asteroids and/or comets. New research suggests that small bodies in distant solar systems carry water to their planets, too.

Watch octopus squeeze through tiny hole

It's just cool, that's all. Watch this 40-second video of an octopus squeezing through a tiny hole to escape a box.

Atmospheric carbon dioxide hits record high

The global average concentration of the greenhouse gas surpassed 400 parts per million in March for the first time since record-keeping began.

Warm oceans triggered US Dust Bowl

Ocean hot spots in the Atlantic and Pacific were drivers of the hottest summers on record for the central U.S. in 1934 and 1936, suggest new study.