Now is the time to prepare for hurricanes

Atlantic hurricane season officially begins June 1 and lasts through November. Preparing in advance saves lives. Some tips to help you plan, here.

Humans tell whales apart by their voices

Detailed analysis of a particular type of call - known as an upcall - let human researchers single out whales as individuals.

Video: 40 hours at Ningaloo Reef

No beach days yet? This wonderful video by Colin Legg lets you spend two days and nights at a reef in Australia.

Octopus opens a jar, from the inside

Check out this video. More evidence that octopuses are amazing.

New human ancestor found in Ethiopia

According to scientists who made the discovery, the find provides conclusive evidence that, millions of years ago, there was more than one human species.

6.7-magnitude earthquake in Alaska

The quake took place 3 a.m. EDT (0700 UTC) Friday morning in the earthquake-prone, sparsely populated Aleutian arc, some 400 miles (600 km) from Anchorage.

Video: Translating climate change to music

Imagine setting global warming to music. That's what a student at University of Minnesota has done, basing his composition on actual temperature data since 1880.

Hawaii governor says Thirty Meter Telescope has right to continue

$1.5-billion project halted last month, following demonstrations. Gov. David Ige said to continue, but that one-fourth of telescopes on Mauna Kea should be removed.

Heat wave kills 1,100 in India

A deadly heatwave has gripped India since April. The death toll has now risen to more than 1,100. Cooling monsoon rains are not expected for several more days.

Central U.S. inundated with heavy rain

A month ago, much of Texas and Oklahoma were in drought conditions. This past weekend, they had serious and deadly flooding.