Amazing lightning time-lapse from Zimbabwe

Video of 20 spectacular cloud-to-ground lightning strikes that took place on a single afternoon in Mutare, Zimbabwe.

Dodos weren’t so dumb after all

New research suggests that dodo birds might have been quite intelligent.

Total solar eclipses in the USA

If you miss the total solar eclipse of August 21, 2017 - first such eclipse in contiguous U.S. since 1979 - you'll have to wait until 2024 to see the next one.

Mysterious chimp behavior evidence of sacred rituals?

Groundbreaking video footage could change the way we look at our closest relatives.

NASA astronaut returns from year in space

NASA's Scott Kelly and cosmonauts Sergey Volkov and Mikhail Kornienko landed safely in Kazakhstan on March 2. The landing wraps up Kelly's one-year mission aboard the ISS.

Bacteria from Sahara on Swiss glaciers

Bacteria living among dust particles from the African Sahara Desert have been found trapped in ice and snow high on the Swiss Alps.

Biggest ever US methane leak from California blowout

The Aliso Canyon leak, finally plugged on February 11, vented 100,000 tons of methane into the atmosphere - a climate impact equivalent to the annual emissions of half a million cars, say scientists.

Leap babies

If you’re born on a leap day, do you have birthdays only once every four years?

Rare superbloom in California’s Death valley

Heavy autumn rains have transformed the barren landscape into riot of flowers not seen in decade. Have a look!

First animal was likely sea sponge

A new genetic analysis suggests that the first animal to appear on Earth was very likely the simple sea sponge.