Spiders with super-fast mousetrap mouths

In the forests of South America and New Zealand, trap-jaw spiders have mouths clamp down on their quarry like a mousetrap, at lightning speeds.

Rainbows around the world

Images of rainbows from all over the world taken by EarthSky's Facebook friends. Beautiful!

Gulf of Mexico dolphin deaths likely due to oil

Study finds higher rate of illness and death in newborns and juvenile bottlenose dolphins after Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Another wave of bird extinctions in the Americas?

Several bird species are taking their final bows on the global evolutionary stage, and winking out. The situation in northeast Brazil is particularly dire.

This ancient arthropod kept its babies on a leash

Scientists have discovered a tiny 430-million-year-old sea creature - dubbed Kite Runner - that apparently dragged its offspring around on strings like kites.

California drought now the norm?

California drought patterns have occurred much more frequently in recent decades, says a new study.

Ocean temps predict heat waves 50 days out

Scientists identified what they call the Pacific Extreme Pattern - warm seawater next to cool seawater - and showed its connection to heat waves weeks later.

Sea-level rise underestimated by half?

A new study suggests that sea-level rise over the next 100 years could be nearly double earlier estimates.

Evolution insights from a walking cavefish

Fish evolved into the first land vertebrates 420 million years ago. Clues to that fins-to-limbs transformation may lie in a walking blind cavefish in Thailand.

Beauty of the northern lights

Gorgeous 5-minute video of the northern lights in February and March 2016 - captured in still images, panoramas, time-lapse and real-time videos.