4.8-magnitude earthquake in Wyoming

The August 27, 2016 Wyoming earthquake took place at 2:47 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time (2047 UTC). Many reports of shaking.

Have we been wrong about life’s origin?

For 90 years, science’s favorite explanation for the origin of life has been the “primordial soup”. But recent research adds weight to an alternative idea.

A new normal for Arctic sea ice?

“A decade ago, this year’s sea ice extent would have set a new record low ...Now, we’re kind of used to these low levels of sea ice – it’s the new normal.”

Strong earthquakes rock Italy overnight

Dozens reported killed, and over 150 missing, in the earthquakes that shook Italy in the early morning of August 24. Searches ongoing.

Tallest peak in the US Arctic is …

No one knew whether Mount Chamberlin or Mount Isto was taller. Now an aerial study - and a ski mountaineer - declare a winner.

Way-cute googly-eyed stubby squid

It's purple! An underwater research team spotted this guy off the coast of California.

Atmospheric scientists say ‘no chemtrails’

Is there a large-scale, secret program to spray chemicals into Earth's atmosphere, resulting in "chemtrails?" Leading atmospheric scientists just say no.

How sunflowers follow the sun

New research on how sunflowers use their internal circadian clocks to face east in the morning and follow the sun during the day.

Squirrel takes GoPro: Best POV ever

Ever wonder what squirrels see as they scamper through the treetops? Wonder no more.

Goblin shark video, Greenland shark news

Japanese scientists utilize dramatic video to understand how goblin sharks feed. Danish scientists show that Greenland sharks can live to be nearly 400 years old!