Humans witnessed fire-covered Earth at end of Ice Age

New research suggests that some 12,800 years ago, an astonishing 10 percent of the Earth’s land surface was consumed by fires, thanks to a cosmic impact.

Volcán de Fuego from Earth and space

Volcán de Fuego - literally "fire volcano" - is one of Central America’s most active volcanos. Photos of its recent eruption here.

Scientists solve a methane puzzle

Since 2006, levels of heat-trapping methane in Earth's atmosphere have risen sharply. A new study settles a disagreement about the source.

Is a major California earthquake overdue?

According to current forecasts, California has a 93% chance of an earthquake of magnitude 7 or greater occurring by 2045.

These clouds are called ship tracks

Ship tracks typically form among low-lying stratus and cumulus clouds. They form around exhaust particles released by ships.

Swollen Seine causing Paris floods

Eastern France experienced unusually heavy rainfall throughout January 2018, and last week the Seine, in Paris, began a precipitous rise. Videos here.

Ingredients for life in space rocks that fell to Earth

Two rocks that crashed to Earth from space in 1998 are the 1st meteorites found to contain both liquid water and a mix of complex organic compounds such as hydrocarbons and amino acids.

Analysis reveals tiny dino with rainbow feathers

This bird-like dinosaur lived in China about 161 million years ago. Scientists think it might have used its rainbow ruff to dazzle potential mates.

Tsunami warnings issued – later canceled – after powerful Alaska quake

A powerful earthquake struck 174 miles (280 km) southeast of Kodiak, Alaska, early on January 23. Tsunami watches or warnings were issued - later canceled - for western North America and Hawaii.

50 years ago: Thule incident

On January 21, 1968, in what came to be known as the Thule incident, a U.S. jet carrying 4 nuclear bombs crashed in Greenland, spreading radioactive wreckage across 3 square miles of a frozen fjord.